
You probably remember I predicted the UMPCs would not hit the hall of fame. There was a reason - I have a Newton at home :). It shares the shelf with other vintage machines. I do not use it for just a few reasons: lack of USB port (for charging and synchronizing), lack of WiFi/3G (for wireless connectivity) and lack of a modern Web Browser (the reason number one).
So here is my personal petition to Steve Jobs. Dear Mr Jobs. Please make me an Apple Newton 2007. Call it iNewton. Give it all the features of the old one, plus USB, WiFi and Bluetooth. Please put in a color display and a Web browser. Keep the 30 hours battery life. You can stuff it with some iPod goodies (music, video playback) but to be honest, this is not necessary. I would rather prefer the local versions of Google applications - Gmail, Calendar, Writely, Spreadsheet
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