The Take Off
Last week has been the most important in the history of our startup. Not that we signed another distribution deal. Several are in place and more will come. But because the missing pieces of the puzzle finally "clicked" in my head. It all happened in Ireland, where we went (courtesy of Enterprise Ireland - thank you Bartek !) for two busy days to meet potential partner companies who may help us with the industrial design, and with development and organization of the entire supply chain of our hardware product. I've mentioned it here a couple of times: I have no hardware experience and the entire process from idea to the first million boxes distributed worldwide has been a big unknown. But now there is no fog anymore. For the first time I really believe we can build a billion dollar company. So here is how it feels. Fifteen months ago I told my 15-strong team we were on a path to the top (Quartz has a story on this). The goal was to be the number 1 worldwid...