Comparing Apples And Googles
Ever since Apple has become the largest IT company, people tend to compare it to Google. This tendency has intensified even more as Google, with the Android OS invaded Apple's turf of smartphones and Internet tablets. But really, these companies should not be compared. Because they are different. They do different things, have different strengths and fundamentally, they do not compete. Google is the company that has indexed the Internet, representing today the majority of information and knowledge of our civilization. They did this, in principle, by creating a computer system different to any other system ever created. Every computer system on Earth works worse, as it grows and handles more information. Google is different. The bigger it is and the more data it processes, it works better. Faster and more accurately. Google has tried many ways to monetize what they have been doing, and so far the most successful for them way to make money has been selling ads as sponsored links. Goo...