Form Versus Function
Two weeks ago I posted my thoughts on Quality versus ROI, wondering why as wealthy as we are, we accept piss poor products and services in the name of becoming even more wealthy. This is a paradox, because having more money we get worse quality of life, and applies very often to the greediest and wealthiest among us. Today a short stop contemplating on another related phenomena. We often agree to pay premium for things that look great, but do not perform as great as they could. Or how sacrificing looks a little the functionality would jump to a higher level. And the crown example of form over function is... surprise, surprise... Apple! Two weeks ago, after a couple of days of careful shopping, I bought the Apple 27" LCD monitor. I have always loved big monitors and a lot of screen real estate. For a number of months I have been on intensive self training program to become an expert Linux admin and programmer. I play with code and commands in one window and my best friend Google si...