Digital Face of a Business
It all started on November 7, 2000 with the publication of " How Digital Is Your Business? " by Adrian J. Slywotzky, David J. Morrison and Karl Weber. It was revolutionary then and is bread and butter now. Since then the digital business models have dwarfed the analog ones. But as humans are analog (have flesh, built of atoms), there will always be great analog businesses. The catch is, though, most of these analog businesses need digital faces. And the survival rate will be closely related to how good and quickly they adapt to the new digital normal. Some will share the fate with dinosaurs, for sure. Last week I was in San Francisco for a few days, moving on to Montreal. My Montreal flight was scheduled for Saturday morning and I was expecting a USPS package to arrive (according to their tracking info) on Friday by the end of the day. Anticipating things may go wrong on the last mile (they sometimes do), I decided to redirect the package to the SFO Post Office and inte...