Mal - Things
Continuing our work on wireless IoT standards, security - related items contribute to about 70% - 80% of the total effort. It is difficult and complicated, especially when dealing with very resource - constrained devices. We very often deal with contradicting requirements. "It has to be secure" (of course). "It should cost less than $1". "It should last on batteries for ages". Etc. Meeting all the requirements is a challenge, but certainly possible, to some extent. One interesting problem that is coming up in discussions is mal - things, or devices that are legitimately introduced in a network, but start misbehaving. In the end, nobody can be sure a lightbulb does not contain malicious code that once given access to a network, will start playing dirty tricks, such as broadcasting "all off" messages repeatedly to the whole network. It is the same problem corporate administrators have with their LANs. And the only good solution seems to be isol...