Podcasts on the Run

Being a glass-half-full person, I'm so grateful for having this (once in a lifetime?) opportunity of living through the pandemic. I realize this is not the most popular nor politically correct opinion, but it is entirely sincere. The pandemic resulted in a slowdown, which itself is great. And when slowing down there are so many things you can discover and experience. Normally they would not be noticed or would simply be ignored in our rat race. Of course, a disclaimer is due: I do not have small children imprisoned with me in a small city apartament. I'm lucky to live in the woods, where every day (and I do mean every day) I go for a 10km trail run. These runs are like going through a sanctuary of wilderness. Just me and the forest. For some time I have been augmenting this experience with audiobooks fed via Bluetooth to the Bose Frames . The greatest audio experience in silent environment (again - this gear is NOT for any city runs, the noise pollution kills the experience). ...