Energy Bound
Despite all the progress in all categories where technology is involved, we have not moved much on the energy production front. Surprisingly, it is still the bad old coal and oil, which we burn to propel things, make living comfortable (HVAC) and light our nights. Widespread nuclear, not to mention small scale fusion, is still the thing of a distant future. And it will probably keep getting worse before it starts getting better. But production is not the biggest energy issue we are facing. The real issue is distribution - or - to be precise - the power transmission grid. It is already saturated today. And the reason is: electrification of everything. Total electrification, pushed as the center of the politically correct "green" agenda means we need to triple the electricity capacity. TRIPLE. See the recent discussion between Lex Fridman and Elon Musk : So energy usage right now is roughly one third, very rough terms, one third electricity, one third transport, one third heati...