Devices Fail
This is probably nothing new, but a reminder a device may fail at any time. Especially an electronic / software driven device. It may be dropped. Or coffee may be spilled on it. Or it may just fail with no apparent reason. This is what happened two weeks ago to my Palm Phone . It rebooted. Once. Then after a couple of minutes again. And again. And after about an hour it ended up rebooting itself continuously in a loop. At some point I thought I just might try doing a factory reset on it. But I could not - as it kept rebooting. Until it finally stopped with the bootloader message as on the attached photo. With factory reset being the only option available. It started working fine after the factory reset. Which may seem like a minor issue. Unless you do not have Internet access. For example the device is used as a navigation device with locally stored maps. And the nearest Internet is several days away. Then you end up with a seemingly working but totally useless piece of an e...