Cloud WIth Strings Attached

My ups and downs with the iPad Pro continue. The experience is far from smooth mainly because I'm having trouble getting adjusted to Apple's philosophy and the restrictions of iOS and iOS Apps. One of the reasons why I selected the Pro has been the screen. I knew it would be the best tablet screen money could buy and I wanted the best screen for portable photo viewing. Photos are also the reason I opted for the 128GB version - to have them loaded on the device and accessible all the time, especially on the road when Internet connections are neither fast nor stable. I was entirely surprised when I learned it was not possible to load photos on the iPad. Of course there are dozen or so apps dedicated to photos on an iPad. But none works offline with full resolution. They either require a cloud service available online when viewing or cache photos, but at reduced resolution. Suffice to say Apple's default way of transferring photos has not changed since the first photo capa...