Netbooks: where Windows XP shines

I have been a very happy user of the Asus EEE PC 901 for several weeks now. I really started looking into the EEE line just when it launched with the 701 model. The 701 was an excellent idea: as full portable computer as possible for as little money as possible. But I soon realized the 701 specs were falling a little short from my expectations. The main reason was the screen, and especially it's horizontal resolution of 800 pixels. The main reason for buying a netbook is Web browsing and 800 pixels across is just not enough. 90% of web pages nowadays are designed for XGA or 1024x768 resolution. So 800 screen means you are getting a horizontal scroll bar most of the time. Handling just one scroll bar (the vertical one) is what we are used to. Most Web pages are simply longer than the monitors we use. But two scroll bars are just too uncomfortable. So I was really happy to learn Asus planned to launch the 900 series with 1024 screen. And then just after the Centrino - based 900 had ...