Everybody Runs On Bluetooth Now

Back in 2018 I commented on LinkedIn that [short range, low power] wireless war was over and Bluetooth won. At that time this true statement of fact could not have been backed by hard data points. So the technology supremacy debate has continued and is still active. But to me that was obvious then. Partially based on the fundamental physical characteristics of Bluetooth LE, such as speed, power consumption, spectral efficiency - each being superior to any competing technology. Partially based on the allocation of frequency bands, where, again, Bluetooth offers much more and is globally unified. Partially due to direct connectivity to phones and tablets that Bluetooth allows for, creating the simplest, most streamlined user experience. And partially because Bluetooth is all on fire, when long term evolution is considered. People who are not inside this development tend to judge the situation by looking in a rear view mirror. "Bluetooth has never been used to control lighting sy...