Time On AIr

Interference is one of the most important factor defining performance and scalability of wireless networks. When a data packet is sent by a transmitter, it may or may not reach the intended receiver, depending whether it interferes (collides) with another packet or not. I discussed this many times , pointing the compact nature of Bluetooth mesh packets helps these networks scale better. You have asked for precise numbers. Here they are. To make comparisons fair, I took a light dimming message in Bluetooth mesh and Zigbee. The one that is sent to set the dim level of a group of lights to certain value. The shortest form of such message would be 4 bytes (on air we call them octets): 2 octets for the message opcode (dim) and 2 octets for the value (assuming 16-bit resolution). In practice things are a little bit more complicated (Bluetooth mandates sending a transaction identifier and Zigbee mandates sending a transition time (Bluetooth has transition time as optional, as the light may h...