Hotel TV

Hotel TVs are one of the artifacts of the past. No hotel probably even thinks of providing a room without a TV. Sure, you can have a room with a shared bathroom or without a window. But there is always a TS set. I wonder who watches them. These days most people watch their personalized content. Typically they are just fine with the endless scroll on social media but some do watch YouTube or other paid (subscription) Internet-based video services. And then they arrive at a hotel and do what? Watch the broadcast TV? I don't think so. At least I don't do it. Although it would be nice from time to time to watch something from a bigger distance and on a bigger screen (bigger than my 10" iPad). Some time ago I added a nice 90-degree USB-C - to - HDMI adapter to the cable bag (other than that there have been no updates, and I'm very happy about the "cable" things have stabilized, mostly due to the USB-C all-capable standard). This adapter has two use cases. The pri...