5G Beats WiFi
5G (cellular data) generally beats WiFi. That is my conclusion after the recent travels in Asia and North America. Public WiFi has aged. In most places it has probably stayed at the 802.11g (50Mbps) while 5G is typically 5-10x faster. On top of that the WiFi backhaul in many places is slow too. And very often has many restrictions. Of course 5G costs (some) money and WiFi is theoretically free. But then you probably remember that meme where "no internet" and "fast internet" are smiley while "slow internet" is the angry face. Which is very true. Speaking of WiFi restrictions - some are well known and kind of obvious (like Google services being blocked in China), so for a westerner entirely reliant on GMail, Google Maps, etc., a roaming eSIM data plan is probably a must. Also WiFi is probably the only technology thing in China which is universally bad. Budget hotels, premium hotels, factories, offices - all are slow (and restricted). 5G on the other hand is ...