Kids Programming Language

But how do you show the kids what a computer program is? How to plot a circle on the screen using a simple loop and Pythagorean Theorem? Or how to write a number guessing game? Or plot a Mandelbrot Set? Do you launch Visual Studio and start by typing all the includes for system input and graphics? No... It used to be so easy with the ZX Spectrum...
And here comes the KPL to the rescue. The Kids Programming Language. A wonderful idea and a wonderful product. It is like going back to the basics. Like your mighty PC finally being able to execute a few simple lines of code to reveal the wonderful world of programming. Just download the KPL, install it and you can PRINT 2+2 instantly... Sort of. May be not one line of code, but five, but it is still the fastest way to get that 4 on a mighty Windows screen. In 5 lines flat (we need to have some progress... do we?). It is still zillion times easier to explain than it C# or VB conversion (Public Overridable Sub Main() Implements blah blah blah).
So I'm not taking your time. Go and spend the rest of the day going back to your childhood. Dive in the forest of recursion trees or write yourself a Missile Command and tell me your high score!
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