Fear not... I will not bore you with another end-of-the-year story with a list of best/worst gadgets/events/you-name-it... I just wanted to tell you about the latest gadget I enjoy. After testing a dozen or so Bluetooth phone handsets it looks like the Retro, available from
ThinkGeek.com delivers the best sound quality I have ever had. I can hear the conversation very clearly and the other parties always report very good quality of my voice. Plus it is very comfortable to handle, although a little bulky to carry around. I plan to use it in the office, so the bulk won't be a problem.
The funny thing is the 100-years old design is unbeatable. Large acoustic converter delivers really good sound, the handle is comfortable and the round end is very comfortable to hold at the ear. The microphone faces your mouth directly, so it captures what is needed. Oh and if I forgot to mention - it recharges via mini - USB port :)
Happy New Year!
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