No Alternative For Microsoft Outlook
Starting with contacts, my first goal was to move my database of contacts from Microsoft Outlook to Google Mail. My first surprise was there is not an easy way to do this. I used to think everything connects to Outlook. Not that true. Google accepts only CSV (Comma Separated Values) file you can produce with Outlook, but after the first trial import I found it did not work. Everything went into the "notes" field. No names, phones, streets, faxes... no structure. CSV has a concept of a "header row", where data columns are described with names. My header row was in Polish, but this was not the only problem. After digging here and there I found some help on the Google Forums (why o why they have not described the CSV structure in the help pages?). After preparing the proper CSV file with contacts I discovered Google Contacts has just one field for "Name". No first / last name. That means when you sync such database to a phone, you will no be able to select sorting criteria by either first or last name. That was enough. I dropped the Google Contacts concept all together.
My second target to try as the master database of contacts was ZYB. Zyb used to be my favorite concept of a VAS (Value Added Service) for years but to be honest I never tested it thoroughly. I downloaded a trial version of the Nexthaus SyncML client for Outlook (ZYB is SyncML based) and soon my contacts were visible on Zyb. Then I tried to sync my test iPhone to it. iPhone does not support SyncML natively, but there is an application called Synthesis (available via the iTunes store) that helps here. First synch went fine (but that is easy...). So immediately I pushed the "synch" button again and it trashed my newly created ZYB database all together. I mean the contacts remained there, but all the accented characters were lost and garbled. The only solution here was getting rid of accents at all, but hey, this was acceptable in the 7-bit ASCII world, not in today's Unicode...
So after Google and Zyb it seems Outlook is still the place to keep your contacts. Even iTunes can synch to it locally and transfer the contacts to the iPhone. It seems unbelievable nobody has been able to come out with a good "Cloud" alternative for Outlook. Or may be there is one, I am just unaware of?
Have you tried ? It's free mail, calendar, contact server and it is compatible with MS Outlook clients.
ReplyDeleteNo, I haven't. Thank you for the tip, will give it a try!
ReplyDeleteA year is over now, did you found something? I'm searching for a solution too since a few month: currently syncing calendar between iPhone and Thunderbird/Lightning with Google Calendar. Contacts not synced yet.
ReplyDeleteNope... For contacts I still use Outlook... On the other hand I have not tried Google recently... Chances are they are better now...
ReplyDeleteI just installed a solution, will test it in the next weeks:
ReplyDeletegoogle contacts and calendar is the master, everything I enter in iphone or thunderbird will be synced to google, so I can sync this data again on my iphone, tb@work, tb@home...
1. sync thunderbird contacts with google contacts via the tb-addon "zindus"
(google has still only one field for names, but it syncs correctly as google splits/merges the names correctly)
2. sync thunderbird calendar (lighting) with google calendar via the tb-addon "provider for google calendar"
using this since months, works like a pro
3. sync google calendar, mail and contacts with my iphone using:
just installed this on my iphone, works great
Yes... Moving the master to Google is really the right way to go... In my tests this was not perfect however, as there were problems with the single name field... But chances are Google fixed that and from what you say it may be worth revisiting... Thanks for sharing :)