Apple TV 3.0

Even if we do not look too often at the interconnectivity mess behind the TV sets, we hate to operate them. Magnitude of inputs, hundreds of buttons on remote controllers (you know, every single function has to have a button in the TV world...). And it used to be so simple 50 years ago.
Google, together with major partners like Sony, Logitech and DISH, announced the Google TV initiative. A clear sign, after personal computers, game consoles, mobile superphones, the next battle ground is the living room. This has to be true. When yo look at your TV now, it is the most disconnected device you have. While there were times it was the most connected.
The Google / Logitech / Sony / Intel / DISH approach is open. Essentially meaning yet another super-set-top-box. And a cable or two. We can be 110% sure Apple will compete in this TV race too. They even have a product already on the market - the Apple TV 2.0. A set-top-box. But now they feel big enough and powerful enough to offer the complete integrated solution.
There will be a choice of screen sizes. They will have two wires: power and gigabit Ethernet. We will be sing iPhones and iPads to control them. Completely integrated. With iTunes on top, to deliver content (some of it based on the works of LaLa they bought some time ago), and applications. Yes, the apps! Just think about it. Does this make sense to have apps on iPhones and iPads and not on the biggest and best screen in the house? This is just the old model of thinking, that does not make us scream for the big format apps. We are used to the TV being just legacy TV... This will change.
The titans will clash again soon. Google with its openness and Apple with the proprietary cutting edge, elegant and minimalistic approach.
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