Galaxy Tab 10.1

My tablet dilemma is over. I purchased the latest Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1. What a feeling! This thing is a breakthrough. Have been playing with it just for two days now, and it feels like the iPad 3. Yes, 3. Physically it is a marvel. Thinner and lighter than the iPad 2. With bigger screen (1280x800). Room filling stereo sound. And the Android 3.1 just flies! It is a beauty. The browser runs Flash. All the settings (including things like WiFi passwords etc) are saved to Google account (hello, iCloud!). The device has entirely autoconfigured itself just after I supplied my GMail name and password (of course, with all Android devices having GMail account helps). It downloaded all my Picasa photos. Later on let me add my second GMail (Google Apps) account and switch between them seamlessly. Wow, wow, wow... It has been worth waiting. The only difficult decision to make was which case to buy, as the device is so thin and light, that even the slimmest case doubles its size and weight. In the end I opted for not having any case at all, as the Tab is the first computer that fits nice and flat in my folio (see the side picture). Ah and it runs Firefox including the Sync service and AdBlock addon. What else could you possibly ask for?
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