
Grab your smartphone and (provided you're using a Chrome on Android or Safari on iOS) open this link: It is a pretty jaw dropping experience, how - what seems to be - a simple web image reacts to movements of the mobile device. Immediately you can envision how being able to capture such panoramas would become the future of personal photography.

PanoMoments plans to offer both the hardware and software to make this happen. I have to say this is one of the most exciting Kickstarter campaigns I've come across this year. Considering my recent fascination with wide angle lens and encouraged by the on-time delivery and great performance of the Zero-D 12mm Laowa lens, it didn't take me too much time to decide on backing this project.

Startups seem to be driving the innovation in prosumer photography space through Kickstarter. PanoMoments - if it delivers - not only on the hardware side, but also on the software end (much more important) may not be waiting too long before being swallowed by Facebook or Google or an established camera vendor looking for diversification.
