Bad Implementations

Bad implementations are a big risk to standards, especially to emerging ones. Users can never experience and appreciate the specification of a standard directly. Only via products that claim compliance to the standard. Of course there are tests, but at the standard qualification test it is impossible to conduct the most important tests: quality, stability. And also user experience is almost always out of scope. "Bluetooth never worked for me" - told me once a man responsible for smart home strategy at a tier-1 platform provider. And it did not matter how much I could pitch to him the virtues of Bluetooth mesh. "No... Bluetooth does not work. It has problems connecting, it has problems with interoperability, I don't like this technology." he kept on repeating. He left the company since then and I'm now hearing they like Bluetooth a lot. But I could not even blame the guy. It was his experience. He certainly was unlucky to experience badly implemented produc...