Dynamic Electricity
Definitely we need communication standards for that to happen - every water boiler, every washing machine should be able to respond to supply side signals. As a matter of fact, every appliance which can consume its energy "later" (when demand should be decreased) or "now" (when demand should be increased) should be able to understand and respond to the energy provider's indications.
Open ADR has made some inroads in some geographies - mostly in California and in Japan to some extent. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Governments seem not interested. Appliance manufacturers seem not to care, seeing more value in "cool" features like connecting dishwashers to smartphone apps rather than promoting demand-response functionality.
One would expect large regulators like US Department of Energy or European Commission to step in, install the technical communication standards and provide incentives and / or legal regulations.
It seems like they don't understand the opportunity and/or don't care. Coordinated electricity is probably the biggest, sweetest, lowest hanging environmental / economy fruit hanging out there. Ripe to be picked NOW.
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