Palm Phone

Palm Pilot was my first touch screen device. 25 years ago, it was revolutionary. It turns out Palm still lives today, in a form of a tiny Android phone - the Palm Phone. This device is useless as a primary phone, as Palm went a bridge too far squeezing the battery such that it lasts half a day on light use. But with volume and weight of 25% of a typical 2021 phone, it is great for casual use. It runs proper Android and just about any app you may want. And Palm did really a good job customizing the UI to fit the small screen - the launcher is first class. It can be a backup on the road. Broken screens happen. and this thing is so tiny it is no brainer to carry it as a backup device when traveling. It is a great "fitness" phone, if you need one. Again the tiny nature helps with any activity and it is waterproof. There is even a specially designed custom armband which puts the on the forearm - easy to navigate things like music or calls. For me it is primarily an audiobooks-on-t...