Google Enterprise Server

Yesterday I was discussing various Google aspects with a friend of mine. And we came to a conclusion is would be relatively hard for Google to reach for internal information resources within enterprises. OK, so if it is not possible to pull data from enterprise file systems and databases, then let's get inside with our stuff. They have already done that with Google Search Appliance and Google Mini. But this is only search and index - like what Google used to be several years ago. And we try to look into the future. New services are popping up almost every day. And I still think they will do Office suite using web technologies, may be with the help of Sun Microsystems. So it is very likely a new breed of Google Appliances will soon emerge - something I'd call a Google Enterprise Server.

So what is it like? Well... probably a nice looking rack box, several U high. Something you put on a shelf, plug into your LAN and power up. And then you access it from within a company network using web browser. It offers you not only search, but a complete software platform - Gmail, Gwrite, Gsheet, Gcalendar. Everything delivered to your browser and stored on the Enterprise Server. Hey, system administrators, no more installation hassles, no more helpdesk problems, just plug and forget. Give your users a browser, point their homepage to the Google Enterprise start page, and they will be presented a nice and clean menu of services we all know and love. The only difference is the information will not leave the box (or SAN network it is attached to). So you will have to pay for this in real $$$. Would you buy it for your company? I would.
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