Dual Core Gingerbread Rumors

The avalanche of posts mentioning the Gingerbread (aka Android 3.0) is running at a full speed now. The most intriguing news however point to Sony working on a PlayStation Phone. It will run the Android 3.0 on a Qualcomm's Snapdragon processor. Finally. It has taken them five years since my October 2005 call. Better late then never... Anyway the PSP platform is holding pretty well... Six years on the market... The UMD micro optical drives are gone and replaced by silicon, but the platform still sells well.
As Mr Jfieb points out on our Domino Research Forum, the Sony / Android news can be paired with the recent Qualcomm's announcement of shipping the long awaited QSD8672 dual core 1.5 GHz Snapdragons. Most importantly, as I posted a week ago, during their last conference call QuickLogic mentioned Qualcomm about to ship 3000 reference design kits to OEMs Worldwide. There should be no doubt the kits are promoting the full capabilities of the latest Qualcomm processors. It is also very likely the Gingerbread Android is the main (if not the only) OS that runs on them. Windows Phone 7 may be the second choice (as you can imagine Microsoft - as always - aims at the most powerful platform to be the least common denominator, hardware - wise).
The Sony Android - based gaming device would benefit a lot from the raw power the QSD8672 delivers. Dual processing cores and hardware accelerated graphics. Plus 60 fps screen refresh rate for ultra fast and ultra smooth action play. The last feature is delivered by QuickLogic, who provides 60fps MDDI type 2 interface, and many other power and display related enhancements, the Sony PSPhone and other multimedia phones benefit from.
Let the designs roll... If Sony delivered a world - compatible phone (I mean non - proprietary), that could play PSP or even PS2 games, they would give Apple a run, grabbing a decent piece of the pie. At the same time, that plus already widespread position of Android, would give Google the leadership in mobile world.
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