Human - Machine Interface: The Next Fronteer

Things are different in the Mobile Internet decade 2011-2020. Broadband is either already here or is coming. But to mobilize our super - humanity, we need to break free from screens and keyboards. Screens and keyboards form cages keeping us from the real mobile freedom. Any screen you take is both too large (when you have to carry it) or too small (when you look at it). Ditto keyboard. Both screens and keyboards are dead ends in the evolution of human - machine interfaces.
Imagine a powerful, connected mobile computer. One you can communicate with freely, without having to look at and not having to type on. Sitting in your pocket. One that does not have to be pulled and opened to interact with. Wouldn't it become an integral part of yourself, augmenting senses and decision processes?
Already today there have been a number of technologies and even products bringing us closer to the real mobile freedom. Let me mention just a few to stimulate the imagination.
Direct, on-retina image projection. A company named Microvision, mentioned here on this blog a number of times. They are able to project a computer - generated image directly on a retina. Using tiny laser beams reflected by ordinary pair of glasses. A display you wear on your eye, but does not block your vision. I was wearing the monochrome version of their product back in 2004. Now they wait for the mass production of miniaturized green lasers to be able to project a full color image.
Speaker independent, continuous speech recognition. Have you read Andy Kessler's Grumby
Direct mind interaction. We are far from sending information directly to our minds. Simply because our minds cannot consciously receive information bypassing our senses. But we are quite close to building a number of task - specific interfaces reading our minds. Products like the OCZ NIA - The Neural Impulse Actuator
Such a few pieces of food for thought to digest. Spark up your imagination. 2020 will be different from 2010 :).
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