
The Polish anti-EU government has recently enraged the opposition electorate with the advertising campaign suggesting the EU climate policy is responsible for 60% of the skyrocketing energy costs. While of course such statement is false and misleading and spending public money of the member state to blackmail European Union is criminal, there is, unfortunately, more to this.

The anti-polluting climate policy is expensive. And the expenses are directly, or indirectly, paid by the consumers. It is all because, as of today, the clean energy is simply much more expensive. This does not apply to countries like Norway (which has abundant water plants) nor France, which wisely has gone nuclear for many years. But everywhere else burning fossil fuels. or coal in particular, is the cheapest. And the dirtiest. Which is why "modern" countries, like the EU, pride themselves with leading the green energy movement.

But at the same time China has been exempt from most climate - preserving costs, burning coal like crazy. And incidentally China contributes to warming the same climate as does EU, but just more (in quantitative terms). So all that clean energy policy does not make much sense, unless it applies to everyone. And I do mean everyone, globally. Not just the EU member states. EU itself is hypocritical by applying the strict emission rules on EU companies and citizens, while importing millions of tons of cheap goods from China. Which are cheap as they are manufactured consuming the cheap and dirty fossil energy.

So it is not decarbonization at all. It is just delocalization of the problem. Window dressing and painting it all green

Something very similar to the coal-burning "electric" cars. Closing our eyes on where the energy comes from and how badly anti-climate is driving a 2-tonne Tesla versus riding a bike or taking a diesel-powered commuter bus. 

Delocalization is a very common manipulation technique "look WE are good and clean - it is THEM who are dirty". Unfortunately it solves nothing, as we do and will continue to share the common global resources. If the western economy fuels the furnaces in Asia, it will undoubtedly receive the payback in devastated global climate.
